Sunday, March 1, 2020

Coronavirus Impacting Business

When you turn on the news, a major headline reoccurring is the Coronavirus. Originating in China, this virus has been a big topic of discussion. People are asking: what is it? Can it cause death? What are symptoms? But, what they are not asking is: how will it affect consumer-driven industries?

With the concern about the virus, traveling has been magnified. Some businesses have been telling employees to not travel domestically or internationally. An important question being asked is, how is it spread?

Another major concern regarding the new outbreak of an unheard of virus is regarding shipping and manufacturing of products. Many major corporations have products manufactured in China. Companies such as Apple, Microsoft, and Amazon. Some of these companies have manufacturing locations in areas where the outbreak is incredibly prominent. As a result, these locations have temporarily shut down or production has been slow due to workers having this virus. What does this mean for the business and for the consumer?

For the business, this could mean that supplies and stock can be low until the coronavirus is wiped away. For the consumer, this means that whatever product they may wish for can be very hard to get if there is a shortage of products being created in China.

Many questions have been formed based off of the virus specifically with businesses. Some people wonder if other businesses, such as UberEats and Netflix will skyrocket due to the weariness of exposing oneself to others. In the past week, the telecommunicating software of Zoom has already skyrocketed.

What does this mean for all businesses?


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