Tuesday, February 18, 2020

Is Google Monopolistic?

How often do you find yourself unsure about something and then you tell yourself to “Google it?” Google has become a national dominating enterprise that internet users often find themselves gravitating to when needing to search things. However, there has been a large discussion on the power that Google holds on users.

In today’s tech world, “Nine out of 10 online searches are conducted through Google.” This statistic has raised awareness on whether or not Google has become a monopoly. Defined through Webster Dictionary, a monopoly is exclusive possession or control. It has been brought to the attention of users that Google allows their own search ads and services are promoted before their rivals. Beyond a simple Google search, Google company has dominated the technology world by developing Android phones and other popular devices. Due to the awareness of Google becoming a monopoly, other organizations along with European Regulators have tried to halt the expansion of Google. Some of the organizations have fined them, others have just expressed their grievances.

On the other hand, Google has argued that despite their dominance on the internet, they help internet users in everything that they do. This similar goal is reflected in other search engines, but since Google has expanded the company to more than just a search engine. All in all, is the use of powerhouse called Google becoming too much? 

Reference: https://www.cbsnews.com/news/google-antitrust-probe-48-u-s-states-launch-antitrust-investigation-of-google-dominance-in-search-ads-and-data/

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