Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Social Media Without Competition

What would social media be like if people did not feel as though they had to compete with other people? What would social media be like if people did not have to highlight their best moments and could even include their trials and tribulations? In society, competition is prominent, whether it is people trying to compete for a prize to companies trying to compete with each other to win over a customer or client. Competition is everywhere.

A new app called “Botnet” gives social media users the opportunity to not have to compete with each other. With this application, it allows users to post as if it was a mix of Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter – some of the most popular social networking platforms in the current day. In this app, robots do the talking. When you post any content, robots will comment based off of what they have been trained to comment. These robots have the ability to support you, send you emojis, and anything that your friends would be able to. Instead, users will not be disclosing their life to everyone. But what does this mean?

In a closed system, it feels as though that users have a form of a diary online. They do not have to physically journal. They can post their harshest moments and get the support from online people. People that they do not know. This allows users to form a trust with robots. However, this app has it’s own limitations. Based on an article posted on Vice, a user tried to start a fight with robots on Botnet and the robots were still able to communicate similar to real people – they gave their honest opinion and even disagreed with this user. So, is this application created for the better or the worse?

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