Monday, April 20, 2020

The Growth of Twitter

In this day in age, almost everyone has more than three forms of social media. As social media ranges from music streaming applications to applications where people can post images demonstrating their daily life to dating applications. There is a form of social media for everything you could think of. One social media platform that allows people to express themselves using text, videos, images, gifs, and more is Twitter.

Twitter was first created in 2006. From this time until 2007, it was in its exploratory phase, similar to most forms of communication. By March 2007, it began to ascend to the point where there were 60,000 tweets sent out per day. As it is hitting its peak, most people now have Twitter accounts.

What is the difference between then and now? As most people have Twitter accounts, the quick explosiveness of membership on the social media account is not as active. Most people have an account. The knowingness of Twitter is in the saturation stage. This application has become one of the main forms of social media that people use on a daily basis to communicate between people.

With the popularity of the app, there are many positive and negative factors about it. Starting with the positive factors, people have the ability to be very personal on the application. Each account is catered to their own brand. Another positive factor is that it is very trendy. People on the application keep up to date with everyday trends that are going on throughout the world and even have a section that speaks about what is trending.

However, there are negative factors as well. As mentioned earlier, by March 2007, there were over 60,000 tweets sent out a day. Over 10 years later, Twitter now sees 500 million tweets sent out a day. Therefore, it is easy for tweets to not be seen. For instance, if someone were to send out a tweet regarding something trending, it may not be seen due to the high volume of tweets at that given moment.

Therefore, this shows that Twitter is currently in the saturation phase or maybe even the climax regarding the Diffusion of Innovation theory. If users are currently sending over 500 million tweets a day, what does that mean in 10 more years? Will users’ tweet over a billion tweets a day? Will Twitter still be one of the main social media platforms?

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